Deisseroth Lab leaving Stanford for Detriot

Breaking news, Dr. Karl Deisseroth, professor, practicing physician and pioneer of the field of optogenetics has left Stanford University. Backyard Brains, based in Detroit, MI, has announced the hiring of Karl as their first salaried employee. The announcement, posted this morning on the Backyard Brains website, called the hiring a "neurotechnology coup". An "official statement" from the company reads, “Please join us as Detroit and Backyard Brains welcomes Karl to his new home in the state of Michigan. We are looking forward to Karl building on his 13-year experience at Stanford by bringing Neuroscience to the people. We are cautiously optimistic to see what Karl has in store in the years to come.”

Members of Karl's laboratory were surprised by this news, of which they were informed this morning via the email below.

just noticed this come online-- did not want you to find out this way. everyone think about this and decide on the lab move, take into account your family, project, and other considerations. Please let me know if you want to come along. I need to have a list of the people moving with me by next Thursday.

thanks K

Members of the lab are quoted as responding:

..."It's a tough decision, but really--a basement is a basement, right?" "The tipping point for me was when Karl was able to recruit Shatz Lab member Jaimie Adelson to the autonomous cockroach project." "FML" "Look, windows!"

Good luck to the Deisseroth lab basement dwellers as they mull over this big decision.

(quotations kindly provided by the Deisseroth lab)