John Cleese Explains Neuroanatomy

I've spent quite a lot of time over the past couple of weeks listening to neuroanatomy lectures. Now, thanks to Vaughan over at Mind Hacks, and @brainshow, I'll probably spend the next couple of weeks wishing that my neuroanatomy class was being taught by John Cleese. Another hopeless dream is born. The Brain as Explained by John Cleese.


Astra Bryant

Astra Bryant is a graduate of the Stanford Neuroscience PhD program in the labs of Drs. Eric Knudsen and John Huguenard. She used in vitro slice electrophysiology to study the cellular and synaptic mechanisms linking cholinergic signaling and gamma oscillations – two processes critical for the control of gaze and attention, which are disrupted in many psychiatric disorders. She is a senior editor and the webmaster of the NeuWrite West Neuroblog